LTE Cat M1/NB IoT Shield not sending data

We have purchased an LTE cat M1/NB-IoT shield and operating it with Hologram card. The Hologram is working with AT&T network as shown on the serial monitor after running the associated code 00_register_operator and as seen on our Hologram account.

The problem is that when we try to run the SMS code 01_SMS_Send, we don’t have any received message on the phone and the serial monitor stuck at "14:09:36.960 → Sending: “hi” to 1xxxxxxxxxx “

We followed the steps and entered the phone number preceded with 1 (USA code) with no luck. Then we moved to the pass through code where we can send messages with AT commands and used the terminal instead of the serial monitor (to be able to use ctrl-z) and no message received. We used AT+CMGS=“” > message Ctrl-z.

On both situations we found that the blue LED is lid after sending the message and keeps ON. We don’t know if this is a normal behavior ?

We tested sending data through TCP using the second given code 02_TCP_send_hologram and the same issue presents !

Many times when running the code we can’t find data on the serial monitor and we have to restart or download the code several times till it works !

We are sure that our hologram card is working and linked with AT&T as we tested it with another LTE card and data passed.

Appreciate your help in this issue !

Can you run the “Network_Info” sketch and show the output?

16:23:25.293 → Initializing the LTE Shield…

16:23:25.293 → …this may take ~25 seconds if the shield is off.

16:23:25.293 → …it may take ~5 seconds if it just turned on.

16:23:26.899 → Initializing the LTE Shield…

16:23:26.936 → …this may take ~25 seconds if the shield is off.

16:23:27.009 → …it may take ~5 seconds if it just turned on.

16:23:45.868 → LTE Shield connected!

16:23:45.868 →

16:23:53.417 → APN successfully set.

16:23:53.450 → Network set. Ready to go!

16:23:53.483 → RSSI: 99

16:23:53.483 → Network registration: Not registered

However on Hologram I see it’s connected to Verizon ! Compare the date/time on serial monitor and Hologram


Verizon Wireless



January 28, 2020 04:23:51 PM EST

It’s now giving registered but can’t transmit SMS or TCP ! I also tried with AT&T network and have the same issue

16:34:21.237 → APN successfully set.

16:34:21.237 → Network set. Ready to go!

16:34:21.237 → RSSI: 31

16:34:21.237 → Network registration: Registered, roaming

16:34:21.237 → All set. Go to the next example!

16:34:22.865 → Initializing the LTE Shield…

16:34:22.902 → …this may take ~25 seconds if the shield is off.

16:34:22.940 → …it may take ~5 seconds if it just turned on.

16:34:23.843 → LTE Shield connected!

16:34:23.843 →

16:34:23.951 → APN successfully set.

16:34:23.984 → Network set. Ready to go!

16:34:24.018 → RSSI: 31

16:34:24.018 → Network registration: Registered, roaming

16:34:24.087 → All set. Go to the next example!

Thank you for running that sketch. You have a strong connection and it is connecting to the server. At this point, the shield appears to function correctly. I would suggest that you look into support on the [Hologram Community for solutions as to why your messages are getting stopped at the server level.

The last bit of troubleshooting I can suggest on our end is to check your account settings with Hologram. Text messages can be an additional option and are not included by default on some plans. If you’ve enabled this feature and still have difficulties, please contact their [Help Center.](](

Hello again,

I think it may not be an issue with Hologram. I could receive messages from Hologram website to my card. I see a confirmation in the AT commands as well as on the routed phone in Hologram website. But I can’t transmit any message or TCP !. I tried to send a message with AT commands after uploading the serial passthrough code and connecting the Arduino with terminal instead of the serial monitor (to be able to use ctrl-z after writing the message) but no message can pass through the card !

Another thing I have noticed, many times after trying the TCP example I am losing the connection to the network and have to scan again to connect ! The TCP example and SMS messages always stuck at “Connecting to socket: 0”. Also I changed the URL to our server instead of hologram server and had the same behavior.

Every time I am trying to connect, I see the event on the Hologram portal with data consumption.

Do you have a working example with a simple ping using the AT commands ?



I have seen this issue … -m/3084/18

Am I affected with it ? if so how could I update the firmware for SARA-R410M ? There’s an update for Nova on the forum but not for SARA !



That problem could be a strong possibility. We purchase the SARA modules already programmed. If there is a firmware update needed, then you’ll have to reach out to either Hologram Support, or [U-blox Support.

I apologize for the inconvenience. I hope they can resolve the issue. Thank you and I hope they can help point you in the right direction.](u-blox Portal)

So are there any steps to update the firmware (when I get it) for SparkFun’s shield ? will it be through AT commands or you have an Arduino code to run the updated firmware ?

We do not have that information available to us. I’ve looked through the datasheets for the SARA module and haven’t found any form of firmware update commands. It might have to be done through Hologram’s tools if they’ve been able to do it for the NOVA module. If that is the case then it would seem that you’ll use a python script as shown for the NOVA module.

Hi Brandon,

I reached Ublox and this is the answer I got !

“Thank you for your inquiry. SparkFun should support you with this product. Their team can assist you with the Firmware update.”

I wish I could get help from your side.



Brandon, Ublox sent me the updated firmware and the needed software to upload it. I have managed to upgrade the firmware. Since then I can’t connect to the network. Here’s the output of network info

4:22:22.149 → APN successfully set.

14:22:22.182 → Network set. Ready to go!

14:22:22.220 → RSSI: 29

14:22:22.259 → Network registration: Not registered

For 00_Register_Operator here’s the output

Setting APN…

14:36:40.642 → APN successfully set.

14:36:40.642 →

14:36:40.676 → Press any key scan for networks…

14:36:44.545 → Scanning for operators…this may take up to 3 minutes

14:36:44.582 →

14:37:52.748 → Found 4 operators:

14:37:52.748 → 1: 313 100 (313100) - AVAILABLE

14:37:52.748 → 2: 311 480 (311480) - FORBIDDEN

14:37:52.748 → 3: 310 410 (310410) - AVAILABLE

14:37:52.748 → 4: 311 480 (311480) - FORBIDDEN

14:37:52.748 →

14:37:52.748 → Press 1-4 to select an operator.

14:38:08.188 → Connecting to option 3

14:41:08.264 → Error connecting to operator. Reset and try again, or try another network.

14:41:08.336 → Connection info:

14:41:08.370 → RSSI: 31


I’m having a similar problem.

I can receive TCP data, as per Sparkfun LTE CAT M1/NB-IOT Example 04 but not send data using TCP.

I can send SMS data after upgrading my Hologram data plan.

Any help very much appreciated.

I contacted UBLOX and they sent me the new firmware and a software to download it.

Hello, have any of you gotten this thing to work yet? If so what did you do? I am having same issues as all of you. Thank you. Steve