I am having issues with the SparkFun LTE CAT M1/NB-IoT Shield - SARA-R4 (with Hologram SIM Card) and the use of the LTE Antenna 100mm FPC u.FL - VT4GFIA-6.
I have been using the Arduino UNO with the Shield, and followed the Hookup Guide to register the operator, which was successfully able to connect to AT&T, and shows connection on the hologram account. Following connection I tried the 01_Send_SMS, I changed the phone number to my own with the 1 for US.
The code uploads successfully and shows “Sending: “Test” to 1720*******”. But my phone never receives the message.
We thought that adding the external antenna would solve the issue, and it was connected, the jumper was cut and re-soldered to the external. However, I still have the same issue where no message is received.
I do not believe it is an issue with the hologram SIM card as I was able to use Examples 02_TCP_Send_Hologram and 03_TCP_Recieve_Hologram. I am also being charged on the SIM card for SMS messages that are “sent” but not received.
I have tried the troubleshooting tips on both the Hologram and Sparkfun pages and am still not receiving any texts. My phone’s carrier is Verizon and I was wondering if that was an issue.