I am currently trying to send an SMS message to an Android phone with the SparkFun LTE CAT M1. The board has a hologram SIM card and is registered in the AT&T mobility provider. The code used is the example code 01_SMS_Send in the Arduino library. I am currently testing this on an Arduino Uno before moving it over to the main Arduino Mega project I have planned.
The current issue is that the board will send the SMS, this is confirmed on the hologram website, but will not be received by the Android phone. I have tested a few different numbers with no success. Hologram shows that SMS was sent but nothing is received. I also gave the board a phone number through hologram in case certain phones auto block spam numbers.
Has anyone had these issues before? I currently am having trouble fixing it and would really appreciate the help!
Double check all of the steps here https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/lt … am-message - if everything still looks correct, perhaps try the receive example instead and see if it receives correctly?
I followed the hookup guide to connect the shield to LTE and the Arduino. I don’t think I have tried the receive example. I will try that today to see if it works. I have tried the send hologram example as well and nothing shows up on the hologram website.
I could be wrong about this but I think hologram SMS messages go through an overseas provider and your carrier blocks them thinking they are spam.
At least I believe that’s the problem I had years ago while trying to send a text through hologram.
Interesting, how were you able to fix it? I thought buying s phone number for the shield would solve that issue but i don’t know if it did.
I don’t recall ever fixing it.
At least not on Hologram.
Even with a US phone number, I think SMS still come in internationally. You might check with your cellular provide to see if they have a work around.
I do think I was able to make it work by putting my carriers SIM into the shield though. Again, it was a long time ago and I’m a bit foggy on what did/didn’t work.
Hopefully this is somewhat helpful or gets you a but further. I did find the link below, that might be useful.
https://support.hologram.io/hc/en-us/ar … ram-device