SparkFun LTE CAT M1/NB-IoT Shield - SARA-R4 not working


I have the SparkFun LTE CAT M1/NB-IoT Shield - SARA-R4 with the Hologram card Item number: CEL-15087. When I attempt to use the Send or receive message sample I get nothing happening.

On the hologram site, I can see it is registered and I have a Device Number.

I register the Operator everything looks good;

13:59:44.425 → Connecting to option 3

13:59:47.943 → Network 310 410 registered

13:59:47.943 →

13:59:47.943 → Connection info:

13:59:48.011 → APN: hologram

13:59:48.011 → IP:

13:59:48.080 → Operator: 310410

13:59:48.080 → RSSI: 19

When I test the network:

14:01:32.993 → APN successfully set.

14:01:32.993 → Network set. Ready to go!

14:01:32.993 → RSSI: 99

14:01:33.063 → Network registration: Not registered

When I Send

14:02:54.159 → LTE Shield connected!

14:02:54.159 → Type a message. Send a Newline (\n) to send it…

14:02:59.137 → Sending: test

I have determined that the issue is with the Socket with I do occasionally get Socket 0 Connected. But even when that happens the data never seems to go. I added an external antenna, same issue.

If I try to reset it all by reregistering

14:28:04.668 → Connection info:

14:28:04.769 → APN: hologram

14:28:04.769 → IP:

14:28:04.804 → Operator: AT&T Hologram

14:28:04.838 → RSSI: 16

Then resend a message:

14:28:38.554 → LTE Shield connected!

14:28:38.554 → Type a message. Send a Newline (\n) to send it…

14:28:56.048 → Sending: test send

14:28:56.083 → Connecting to socket: 0

I hope someone can help, I am at my wit’s end. Additional info

MCU - Atmega 2650 - using software serial to LTE Shield pins 12,13 - Communication to the board is not an issue

Sorry for the long post, any help would be greatly appreciated.


Little Update I ran Ping SIM Card… Results are

15:52:34.564 → LTE Shield Test

15:52:34.564 →

15:52:34.564 → Initializing… This can take up to 20 seconds.

15:52:35.450 → PASS!

15:52:35.450 →

15:52:35.450 → Getting device/SIM info:

15:52:35.483 → IMEI: 356726102473154

15:52:35.552 → IMSI: 234500007279815

15:52:35.585 → ICCID: 8944502606192798153

15:52:35.687 → Registration check , RegStatus:5, RSSI:19

15:52:35.721 → Network registration: Registrered, roaming

15:52:35.755 → SUCCESS!

I am still not able to connect to a Socket. Can someone help me please?

I moved the device from Software Serial to Hardware Serial2, I am finding It still will not connect to the socket. I am able to send an SMS message, and the network does show the device. On the Hologram dashboard I can see the device says connected, I can see the JSON data from the pings.

However, I still am not able to connect to a data socket. PLEASE HELP.