scd41 spx-18366 co2, temp, humidity sensor

I m trying to use the scd41 sensor with a esp32 thing plus c board. I use several other sensors with this board with no problems. However, every example ino in the sparkfun scd4x arduino library fails to execute, and instead constantly reboots .

The scd41 is the only sensor on the i2c bus, so no address conflicts.

Odd; what’s showing @ serial monitor? There’s a debug mode too if you know how to fanagle that kind of thing … ibrary.cpp

I don’t have one to test with, but I found Sensiron’s library in a comment on our product page - try that one out and see/report back?

Also ensure whatever is providing power (supply + cable) are pushing enough mA (probably not an issue, but worth verifying since it is power-cycling)