I am trying to use the scd41 sensor with the esp32 thing plus c board and the Arduino IDE. I use several other sensors with this board and IDE with no problems. However, every example ino in the sparkfun scd4x arduino library fails to execute, and instead constantly reboots .
The scd41 is the only sensor on the i2c bus, so no address conflicts.
This is the error information:
Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic’ed (StoreProhibited). Exception was unhandled.
and then a bunch of register dumps. I have attached a text file of the debug statements followed by the crash information.
I am using arduino IDE 2.1.0
The example scd41 src code (SparkFun_SCD4x_Arduino_Library.cpp) states it was written for Arduino IDE 1.8.13.
Could this be the problem? If so, why? And can the src library be updated to support arduino IDE 2.1.0?
I have a lot of code written for 2.1.0 libraries for other sensors and don’t really want to downgrade the IDE.
Any advice on how to resolve this problem would be very much appreciated.
scd41 error log.txt (1.42 KB)