Script commands don't workfor me

I am having a very odd problem with script commands.

I am using the latest open OCD code.

I can use the basic script file to start my system and to access it from GDB.

I want to add the command:

mww 0xFFFE500 0x5F1F 0x1

to the script.

I have tried telnet to openOCD and tried the command there and it works OK.

When I add it to my script, the program aborts with:

openocd_jim_vsprintf (): invalid command “mww_0xFFFE500”

There are other commands like halt that don’t work for me in the script!

Can anybody tell me why these simple commands all seem to fail?

Thanks for any help.


either (from docs)

Use: Once a target is created, an “object name” that represents the target is created. By convention, the target name is identical to the tap name. In a multiple target system, one can precede many common commands with a specific target name and effect only that target.

str912.cpu mww 0x1234 0x42

omap3530.cpu mww 0x5555 123

or (from example config)

proc watchdog_service {} {
    global watchdog_hdl
    mww 0xffff036c 0
#    puts "watchdog!!"
    set watchdog_hdl [after 500 watchdog_service]

$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-halt-post {  watchdog_service }
