Seeking Collaborator for Percussion Instrument Project


Im looking for someone to build a percussion instrument with.

Currently the main idea is to make a MIDI controller with Arduino using piezo sensors as triggers but i find myself to lack the requisite intellectual faculties and cognitive prowess necessary to manifest this conceptualization into tangible existence alone.

I dont know if this is the best approach so heres a short video to demonstrate how it could be played (quiet):

Here is a video of what i made last year (more info in description) [cursed] [[LOUDER]]:

Essentially id like for what was demoed in the videos to have a possibility of sounding good.

Important things like latency, velocity, accuracy, crosstalk, thresholds etc fixed.

If youre interested then please contact me here or on Discord @ Leib37


You can also post your requirement to the freelancing job sites.