seems like I'm not getting full duplex..

Ok im using to Xbee Pro 2 2.4’s and connected to a Mikrokopter using an

ATMega 644 (P). When connected the data I am getting goes in spurts. runs fine for 8 to 10 seconds then pauses and runs 8 to ten seconds more. I’m using AT mode baud rate on the ATMega 644 (P). 's serial port is 57600. I’m using the regulator explorer to convert 5 volts to 3.3 and on my PC im using the usb explorer. I have a short wire antenna on the ATMega 644 (P). End side and an Rsma antenna on the coordinator pc side…

Other guys have used the wi232 boards with no problems and some have said they have use the xbee 900 pro’s which both have less bandwidth so I’m confused… any help would be great!!!


Steve :roll: