Sensor based system, bluetooth communication, speaker, power management, user feedback mechanism

Hi there! I am relatively new to this world and I need some help with a simple project.

I’d like to develop a wearable prototype that measures the plumb alignment of the human sternum in real time. The device would be worn in something similar to a chest strap located at the bottom of the sternum. The goal is to help users maintain safe body positioning by detecting misalignment and providing alerts via bluetooth and/or built-in speakers.

As someone new to coding and hardware development, i’m seeking guidance in what could be the ideal hardware components for this.

I have the following components:

  • Adafruit 9-DOF Accel/Mag/Gyro+Temp Breakout Board (LSM9DS1) sensor
  • Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2
  • ESP32
  • 3.7V 400mAh rechargeable Li battery

And my first question is - Should I be starting with components more suitable for the goal? Is there a way I can simplify this? I really just need something that indicates angle of sternum to horizontal and can send alerts via bluetooth and/or built in speaker.

Thanks so much for any insights, thoughts, advice !

I’ve not used that sensor but I’ve played a bit with some other, simpler inclinometers that give X,Y outputs in degrees. The Adafruit one with Z could give you values that can determine the orientation of that sensor in space. These values could be used to visualize a virtual sternum model upon a reference plane, the bone just floating there. Detecting & measuring a sustained change in sternum angle (is this to mean posture?) is made loads easier if the user is more or less at rest, say, seated so you can anchor it and look for your expected change from horizontal model bone inclination, giggidy.

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You could simplify a bit by using an IMU that has bluetooth, like one of our products instead (or this one also from our 9dof selections), the rest seems approriate (although again I’d suggest buying from us!)

Be sure to run calibrations based on each individual…chest size, breathing patterns, etc until you program a catch-all algorithm