Serial communication PLC modbus protocol to Large digit driver and display (spark fun)

I’m trying to connect a large 4 digit display to a Click PLC using Modbus protocol thru RS485. The large display is sparkfun product using the large digit driver board. Will the AST-CAN 485 module do this? Has anyone tried this?

Sorry if this is the wrong forum to post in

Have not tried that one, but looking at the AST-CAN485, it has a link to an ArduinoIDE Modbus library. That library is not depending on the same AST-CAN485 board, it has an RS485 halfduplex example that can be compiled for a MEGA2560 without problems. All you need is actually a MAX13487E (RS485 to serial): RS485A and B, TX / RX and Receive, receive enable / output enable pin. Maybe the one like, most of the others (like the AST-CAN485) are on backorder with Sparkfun, but there are other suppliers.

Thanks for your help. I’ll check it out