I’m using the Sparkfun SerLCD Arduino library, version 1.0.9, on an ESP32. The device is a 16x2 SerLCD display (LCD-16397).
If text is already displayed on the screen, if I call setBacklight(), the text gets mangled. It seems to be shifted randomly. Is this a bug? Or do I always have to clear the display and rewrite it when I want to change the background color?
Also, the background color cycles through a seemingly random sequence before it finally settings on the selected color. I was hoping it would switch from one color to another instantly.
Hi Mark.
That sounds really odd, I haven’t heard any reports from other customers with this issue so far.
Have you tried flashing the latest firmware onto the LCD? We have directions [over here that show how to upgrade the firmware. If that doesn’t work, let us know and we can help.](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/avr-based-serial-enabled-lcds-hookup-guide/troubleshooting)