Servo Recommendation

I have a Redboard Photon and am creating an “analog-digital” thermometer. In other words, the photon will receive a temperature every 10 minutes, and then turn the servo which will point to the temperature. The pointer is just the straight portion of a hangar that I cut. I had an analog servo; however, it wasn’t accurate. I want it to be accurate to the degree. I then bought a digital servo (Hi-Tec HS-5065MG); however, the load of the hangar makes it buzz. I am powering the servo through the Redboard - it works; however, might that be contributing to the buzz?

How can I do this so I have an accurate, non-buzzing servo?

Thank you,


Not sure. But I think you may see some improvements if you power up the servo using a separate supply.

You might consider using this dial indicator (automotive gauge stepper) instead:

For precise “stepping” you may want to consider a stepper motor (e.g., but you will also need a driver (e.g. … k-up-guide). The example that was provided from Adafruit ( is probably just right.

As far as the buzzing is concerned in the servo - that is probably because you are driving it from the Redboard; that servo can take quite a bit of current. Since the servo works you may just want to solve the powering issue (i.e. not from the Redboard) as opposed to trashing the servo and going for a new approach. The redboard regulator limit is 800mA and the USB input is fused at 500mA, those two will present a limit to the servo if it load is too great. You could power the servo (and the redboard) using the external supply input on the redboard with 5V-6V. This is, of course, assuming you had an external power supply available.