Setting the speed of CMSIS-DAP Interface of OpenOCD

Hello Everyone,

I am flashing mbed LPC1768 using OpenOCD and CMSIS-DAP interface.

I can flash mbed but speed of flashing is very slow. OpenOCD telnet

session shows clock speed of 10KHz.

It takes 5 minutes to flash hex file of 51Kb. I have other projects for

which I have to flash hex files of around 200Kb and it takes 15 minutes.

I have read OpenOCD User’s Guide but I could not find any command

to set the speed of CMSIS-DAP.

Does anyone have any idea how to speed up flashing?

Thanks & Regards,


It’s the same as the other adapters

adapter_khz 1000 will set the speed to 1MHz for example.


Hi Spen,

It worked. Thanks for help.
