SI4703 FM FM Tuner Evaluation Board Help

I recently purchased the SparkFun FM Tuner Evaluation Board - Si4703 and cannot get it to work.

This is what I’ve tried:

Using the Arduino Serial Monitor, entering ‘+’ will produce the following only if the radio is powered up (connected to computer USB) right before entering it:

Channel:0 Volume:1

Entering ‘+’ again, the radio will send back:

Channel:0 Volume:2

Now, if the ‘-’ is entered, the same results will occur, only if the radio is disconnected from the USB and re-connected.

Channel:0 Volume:0

Channel:0 Volume:0

The seek up / down, RDA, and radio frequency tune, do not produce a response at all.

Also, no audio or background noise is heard when connected to powered speakers; even with the volume turned all the way up.

These are the parts used to build the radio configuration:

SparkFun FM Tuner Evaluation Board - Si4703 (WRL-12938)

SparkFun MicroMod SAMD51 Processor (DEV-16791)

SparkFun MicroMod Qwiic Carrier Board - Single (DEV-17723)

Flexible Qwiic Cable - Female Jumper (4-pin) (CAB-17261)

Header - 12-Pin Male (PTH, 0.1", Straight) (PRT-18987)

Arduino IDE 2.3.2

Using: Si4703-Test.ino

This is how the radio circuit was assembled:

Header Male pins (PTH, 0.1", Straight) are soldered to the FM tuner board.

The Qwiic end of the Qwiic Cable female Jumper, is connected to the Qwiic socket on the MicroMod Carrier Board.

The jumper pins are connected to the tuner board as follows:

Red wire to +3.3V

Black wire to Gnd

Blue wire to SDIO

Yellow wire to SCLK

Did I miss anything, or is there anything else to try?

Thank you

Share a few photos of the setup & soldering

Check the [hookup guide for the correct wiring and information about if a logic level converter is required for your setup.](


Not sure if the images were uploaded.

Just the file names, the images did not upload.

Not obvious how to upload them, need a tutorial.

May I email them directly to you?

I don’t have a public email, sorry.

If you post the pictures on a photo sharing siten you can put a link to them in your message. That will make them available for anyone reading your message.

The desktop site (not mobile) has an “upload attachment” tab,you can try that as well.

Ok, you’re not following the hookup guide, more wires are required for the tuner to work. I’d suggest looking at the guide and duplicating that as a starting point.

Unfortunately I don’t have the same hardware as you so I can’t test it but there’s a possibility the library won’t work with your microcontroller. If that’s the case I’d recommend trying a redboard qwiic with it’s i/o jumper set to 3.3 volts. That’s guaranteed to work and will at least get you running until you can debug enough to get things working on your ESP.

Link below for the redboard qwiic.

Correction, your samd51, for some reason I thought you had a esp32. (Although it’s more likely the samd51 will work)

Yep, see what i did wrong; got it working.

The SAMD 51 MicroMod works ok, the ESP32 MicroMod does not. However, the Pocket ESP32 works.

Thank you for all your help!