Silicon Labs Si570 Oscillator, and GNU Radio.

As mentioned elsewhere on this site the Si570 is offered in several variants, covering from 10MHz up to in some cases 1.4GHz. it is tuned via the I2C interface, and can in some cases be tuned down to about 3Mhz. I have seen many people use it as a local oscillator for Ham radio projects and such. The only thing is they are a pain to procure right now as the part is fairly new.

this part would make an awesome addition to those inclined in designing their own hardware for use with the existing GNU radio code base.


I have two of boards I just built with these chips on it and am looking for some source code to see what others have been doing. My problem is that others have been using PIC processors and I like

the MEGA 1280 because it has a lot of IO pins. I have never used the 2 wire controls before

so I would like to compare someones code with how ISP is done.

