Simple voice recognition project with Raspberry Pi


I am working on a project that involves reading in simple voice sounds as input to control a Raspberry Pi. For example, the user will make a sound like “aaaaahh”. This will prompt the Raspberry Pi to choose a phrase from a text document and output that through external speakers. I already have the functionality to choose and output a phrase set up, I just need help understanding how to best read in the user’s voice.

Would the ReSpeaker 4-Mic Array ( be an appropriate board to recognize the user input or would it be easier to use an Arduino with a Sound Detecting board ( I have never used audio inputs with Raspberry Pi or Arduino, so I would appreciate any assistance. Thanks!

Hi, and thanks for posting!

You’re going to want to go with the ReSpeaker for something like what you’re looking to do. The Pi doesn’t have an analog input so a Sound Detector board wouldn’t work with the Pi.

You will want to check out the [Wiki for more information on how to get the ReSpeaker working.](ReSpeaker 4-Mic Array for Raspberry Pi | Seeed Studio Wiki)