Simultaneous RFID Tag Reader - Disconnects and displays 'Access to the port 'COM6' is denied

I have the SparkFun M6E Nano Simultaneous RFID Reader. I’m trying to use JADAK’s Universal Reader Assistant along with a CH340 USB-Serial adapter. I can get the board to ‘connect’ and, when I hit the ‘Read’ button, it disconnects from UBS and I get the following message 'Access to the port ‘COM6’ is denied. BTW, COM6 is the correct USB port.

Also, I’ve confirmed my CH340 USB-Serial adapter is working (on another device/application).

More info: If I set the reader to ‘Read Continuously’ and set the RF OFF time to something > 0, the comm failure seems to happen at the exact time as RF OFF time. Example: RF OFF = 10,000, the failure happens pretty close to 10 seconds after I hit the read.

Any suggestions?

Check that the jumper on your CH340 USB-serial is set for 5V ( default is 3v3)

Make sure to reduce the read and write power in the “performance Tuning” to 5dbm (to start :-))

Paul - that did it (the jumper) - still running at full power and working. Thanks, a lot!!