Simultaneous RFID Tag Reader - sleep mode

I have bought thirty SparkFun Simultaneous RFID to create a big project. The main goal of the project apart of reading tags from long distance (about 0.5m) is energy saving. The readers works well. In my setup they are going to work with 20dBm output power. I would like to extend they working time on power bank. In datasheet can be found that there is possible to get te module to sleep mode. Unfortunatelly your library doesn’t support that functionallity. Could you help me with setting it to sleep/power down mode and wake up?

Hello Herrero,

When it comes to sleep/standby functions for our products, we usually leave that for advanced users. However, if there is a large enough demand then we’ll revisit the issue and improve accordinglly. My first suggestion would be to file a [GitHub issue so our engineers can see that feedback from the community.](Issues · sparkfun/SparkFun_Simultaneous_RFID_Tag_Reader_Library · GitHub)

Hi Herrero,

The sleep mode is part of the powerMode setting which , as TS-Brandon indicates, is not part of the Sparkfun Library. Having worked on the Mercury API, it does not llok a major aspect to include however. I offer my help to try to make it work. Drop me a PM with you contact info.