I have been playing with circuits now for a bit and usually that means LEDs of the 5mm variant. I have been dying to try out make reflow gear so I have been making some PCB designs for SMD types of parts. Now, I have looked over a couple schematics found on various products that feature SMD LEDs and SMD resistors. This is where I’m troubled greatly. Normally I can hook up a 5mm LED with a 270R/330R and it’s all good in the hood.
After looking at your various schematics in 5V circuits I see HIGHer resistor values for SMD components (Like 1KR)!!! What gives right? So yeah I am a rookie and went to some math. But it’s not adding up coach!!!
So a 0805 resistor is said to able to handle 1/8 (0.125) watt of power
So if 5*.02 = .1
Couldn’t a 330R value still be used? I am using an 0603 Super bright LED in red and an 0805 resistor package… Why use a 1kR?