High-power LED array

Hi everyone,

I’m new to PCB design, so these might be really basic problems. I have a design idea and would like feedback on that. Maybe someone can help.

I’m currently working on an LED-Array consisting of LED with 11,75V and max. 1A each (see image attached). For that, I’m trying to develop a PCB. As I want every LED at the exact same operating current, they are all parallel to each other (does that make sense?). Also, I’m trying to to regulate the current in discrete 10% steps from 100% down to 0%. That’s what the resistor/switch setup on the left is for. Does this work? Is there an easier way?

I have trouble finding the right switches and resistors at digi-key for the high power system as the 32 LEDs draw about 32A. Any ideas on the component choice?

Thanks in advance!

You’re talking 300+ watts, resistors and switches are not going to cut it. (at least not without a lot of excess heat and expense.)

I’d suggest using MOSFETs and pulse width modulation to adjust the brightness. It would be a lot easier than switches and resistors and a whole lot less power wasteful.

Here’s some tutorials that might be helpful.

https://resources.pcb.cadence.com/blog/ … plications
