So my Micromod Teensy has not "LED's" on and I can not get it to program.

I have a Micromod Teensy on an ATP break out that seems to be “dead” in the water…

The VIN and 3V3 are lit but nothing on the Micromod.

Can’t get it to communicate.

When I plug it in I get the window “ding” but the bootloader will not upload a sketch.

This this is not that old, how could have it died so quickly?

No I did not weld with it.




Have you checked this thread? viewtopic.php?f=182&p=229826

Yep, I am in that thread.

Originally I found of combinations of carriers and Teensy’s that seemed happy.

Well it is not happy any more.

The on Micromod Teensy works with either carrier board.

The other one just stopped working.

I have boards all over the place and never had one just stop working while in storage.

