use the openocd in the windows xp.
start up with openocd-pp -f arm7_wig.cfg in the firist window.
start gdb in the cygwin shell as below in the second shell:
target remote:3333
load main.elf
symbol-file main.elf
b main
up to this step it’s ok.
then type “c”
the error was occured, the gdb can,t stop at main entry. the openocd window(the first window) display as below:
info: arm7_9_common.c:274 arm7_9_add_breakpoint(): sw breakspoint requested, but software breakpoints not
I debug the same codes with the ocdremote in macraigor, its ok. so i doubt the error come from the openocd.
could you hlep to provide infomation to solve it.
by a way , how to send the attachments in the forum, as if it can’t send attachments.