I got the smaller 128x64 serial graphical LCD. The firmware runing on it leaves rather a lot to be desired in terms of speed / power usage and general robustness. It is somewhat amazing the hardware protocal works when you see what it is doing.
Fortunatly as there is a programming header and the source is avalible I have been able to do quite a big re-write to get the speed up. A good 100 fold speed increase for aligned text. The graphics have speeded up from fixing up the hardware protocol but there is undoubtedly another 10 fold speed increase avalible with a little work. I have also put some sleep code in for idle which with the code speedup has reduced the none backlight curent by a big amount which is critical for me as I want it for a battery powered project.
I am prepared to let SparkFun have the updated code back and add a few more features like the LF/CR support people have been looking for. I would clearly need one of the big LCDs so as to make sure it’s still working.
If anyone has an AVR ISP programmer then I can let you have my hex file for the small lcd. ifor at blueyonder.co.uk
Ifor Powell