Solar power for your arduino


I am new to this forum but not new to arduino and electronics. Working in the PV business Istarted a series of posts in my blog at about how to power an arduino and peripherals using a stanalone PV system. The basic idea is that the design rules for standalone PV systems apply for a wide range of power and electricity needs. So this can also be done for a small microcontroller with some devices connected do it. The system has a solar panel, a battery and a charge regulator (and, of course, some wires to connect the components). The posts also tell you about dimensioning the components to have a well-working system without spending a lot of money in oversized components. If interested look at the following posts:

[Basics: Which components we need and how the system works

[Load: How to determine and optimize electricity consumption of your application

[Battery characteristics: What the battery does and what is important to us

[Battery selection: Which type and size to choose

[PV module basics: Electrical characteristics of the solar panel

[PV module dimensioning: Determining the best module size

[Charge regulator: The thing that keeps it all together

[Building a real sysem: About safety, wiring and more

This should give you basic information when you plan to start a solar-powered arduino project.


heliosoph](Solar power for your arduino - building a system - heliosoph)](Solar power for your arduino - charge regulator - heliosoph)](Solar power for your arduino - PV module dimensioning - heliosoph)](Solar power for your arduino - PV module basics - heliosoph)](Solar power for your arduino - battery selection - heliosoph)](Solar power for your arduino - battery characteristics - heliosoph)](Solar power for your arduino - load - heliosoph)](Solar power for your arduino - basics - heliosoph)

This is very cool! Thanks so much for compiling and sharing this information with us here on the forums. Have a great one!