Spark fun version of Adafruit's Bluefruit EZ-key

Do you have a product similar to the Adafruit Wireless Bluefruit EZ-key keyboard controller? Adafruit no longer offers this product. Apparently the BLE bluetooth protocol is newer and better than the Bluetooth 2.0 that the Bluefruit uses. I am researching the possibility to make buttons for gameshows using the directional arrows or the a,s,d,f, etc, keys.

Thank you!

Hi Mauitunes,

Unfortunately, we do not carry anything I would deem similar to the Bluefruit EZ-Key Keyboard. You could potentially program a Bluetooth-capable development board to act as an HID input device similar to the EZ-Key, but that’s not something we have any examples or tutorials available for. You can browse our entire Bluetooth Category [here if you would like. From a quick search, you might be able to program one of our ESP32 Thing boards to act as a BT-HIT device but it may be more trouble than it is worth since the best solution I could find from a quick search is [this GitHub issue/conversation about an ESP32 BT-HID Device. Specifically, user chegewara has some code snippets that might help you out here.

I’m sorry we do not have a drop-in replacement for the EZ-Key but hopefully, this helps point you in the right direction.](ESP32 BT-HID Device · Issue #230 · nkolban/esp32-snippets · GitHub)](