Sparkfun 2D barcode scanner - Issue with some QR Codes

Hi !

I experimented with the sparkfun 2d barcode scanner. I realized that some QR Code are not working well, even some issued by a well known brand.

I attached an example where the scanner is not able to get the full QR Code and doesn’t send the “\r” terminator character.

Is there an available firmware update that would fix this issue ? If so, how can I upload it on the device ?

Thank you.

You can try adjusting the lighting conditions, the distance between the scanner and the QR code, or the orientation of the QR code to see if it help


Could you try on your side to see if you get the full QR Code info (with the image I attached in my initial message) ?

  • When I scan it with my phone I get the full code “ … on-Dig-(1)”.

  • When I scan it with the Sparkfun board (while debugging) I can see that only a part of the code is read and no ‘\r’ is returned. Here is the part that it reads “”.

  • I suspect it’s a bug with the DY-Scan module firmware.

    Can’t find anything in the datasheet, but I’m wondering if there’s a 50 character limit on QR codes.