I recently bought and very disillusioned with the Weather Station kit 22636 for the following reasons:
Online documentation is dated and probably incorrect
Sparkfun seem to live in the past and hasn’t updated libraries, etc.
Start setup in IDE then go to IoT cloud? WTH?
I have worked with arduino boards for couple of years. Have set up and am running environmental stations< but the lack of (and even misleading) help from sparkfun is convincing me return the whole kit.
So, any help on getting weather station sketch running with wifi to base station would be greatly appreciated!
P.S. I can get to MicroMod processor to blink and print garbage.
You sure can, or not…we sell 2 versions of the kit, 22636 has an esp32 which is wifi-enabled. Be sure to install the additional libraries for the MM Weather Board MicroMod Weather Carrier Board Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn and that your baud settings are correct…usually garbled output is an incorrect setting