SparkFun BlueSMiRF v2 - Sustained speed

The traditional Bluetooth SPP protocol could not continuously keep a data rate of more than around 50-100 kbit/s, even though the device uart could be set up for several hundred kbaud. There was simply not enough bandwidth over the air.

What about SparkFun BlueSMiRF v2 . It is claimed to accept 921600 baud. Is this sustained speed or just the same

“speed until buffer full” like the old one?

Of course the “conditions” must be right. Distance, antenna, Device computer thruput and response etc, etc. But provided we have all set up correctly and no bottlenecks . Is it then possible to achieve 921kbaud?

If so - then what other things have to be set:

If one device is BLE (like an android phone) and the other is SparkFun BlueSMiRF v2 . Do we then get 921kbaud?

If both devices are SparkFun BlueSMiRF v2 . Do we then get 921kbaud?

If one device is SPP (like an old HC05) and the other is SparkFun BlueSMiRF v2 . What speed can we expect?

As you can see, my questions really boils down to - what is the real speed over the air for huge data

