SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver

I purchased a Sparkfun Bluetooth mate silver for a project where I want to turn a birdbath pump off an on with my phone.

I have followed the Hookup guide and have been able to work through it successfully and even changed the script so as to be able to turn an led off/on from a terminal window on my pc. I can eve connect the module to my phone if I initiate the connection from the module.

However I have been unable to have my phone to search and see the module.

I have downloaded a couple of apps (ArduinoBlue and Bluetoothfor arduino) but neither can connect to the module.

Can someone recommend :

  1. how to make the module discoverable by my phone,

  2. a phone (ios) that I can connect to he module ?


I purchased a Sparkfun Bluetooth mate silver for a project where I want to turn a birdbath pump off an on with my phone.

I have followed the Hookup guide and have been able to work through it successfully and even changed the script so as to be able to turn an led off/on from a terminal window on my pc. I can eve connect the module to my phone if I initiate the connection from the module.

However I have been unable to have my phone to search and see the module.

I have downloaded a couple of apps (ArduinoBlue and Bluetoothfor arduino) but neither can connect to the module.

Can someone recommend :

  1. how to make the module discoverable by my phone,

  2. a phone app (ios) that I can connect to he module ?


Unfortunately the Bluetooth Mate Silver and Gold are not [certified by Apple and can’t be connected to by Apple devices. :-(](