Sparkfun Blynk Board Wifi DOA? - Any Other Diagnostic I can Run?

Blynk newbie here. I’m guessing my new Sparkfun Blynk Board - ESP8266 is defective and needs to be returned? Board’s LED flashes the 4 color sequence just fine but provides no BlynkMe-CCCC Wifi network for the initial setup. Let me know if there’s another diagnostic step I can perform? Thx.

FYI - Running a wifi scanner shows whenever the board is powered up there’s a network named ESP_092831 available. I’m thinking the board’s wifi transmitter is doing something but firmware connection functionality isn’t working or loaded? Just a guess…

Update - found this helpful link: … xes-03a052

Got the USB/VCB FT231x driver install on my Windows PC. The Blynk board connection to the PC is via USB set as COM3, 9600 serial. Launched Putty and hit H a few times per the link above but can’t get the a Blynk configuration menu to come up.

Note - when I first connected via Putty I did get a diagnostic that said Wifi failed to connect. Couldn’t get anything else to happen or display but at least I was connected to the Blynk board.

2nd Update - after more searching, I found a 2017 posting that pretty much describes the issues I’m finding… … onal/15427

The same as this poster - my board’s light sequence just flashes - Red, Green, Blue and repeats. I’ve not come across anything that explains the meaning of that sequence? The 2017 posting gave no further insights or the solution used to finally solve.

If you’re getting just those three colors repeating, something is wrong and the board is stuck in self test mode. You will need to contact the seller to get a replacement.

Thx for the advice but decided not to give up that easily. Kinds of disappointed right out of the box this thing wasn’t setup right - I guess no factory testing before shipping (great)?

Anyway - downloaded the Arduino IDE, got the source code, installed all the necessary libraries and reflashed it. It was also annoying after all that the WiFi Wizard didn’t work - perhaps the latest version of IOS 14.2.1 broke something? Ended up configuring that via the USB/Serial setup.

Tech Support on this site should consider posting a “sticky” (if not already somewhere?) about the Red, Green & Blue self test mode. Probably should be part of some troubleshooting section too?

Others new to SF Blynk (as a learning experience) would be frustrated trying to figure out what was going on - the color self test sequence sort of mimics what you are told to expect (ie., colored lights flashing) and being new - ya don’t know.