Sparkfun bmp 581 library


I’m working on the project and i want to connect two sparkfun bmp581 sensor boards to one arduino using i2c connection. Using sparkfun bmp581 library can i get data from both of them?

Thank you in advance.

Change the link on the board to select the other address.

Add another constructor in top of sketch : BMP581 pressureSensor_1;

define new address : uint8_t NEW_i2cAddress = BMP581_I2C_ADDRESS_SECONDARY; ( 0x46)

For the rest refer to the second BMP581 as pressureSensor_1, e.g start the second BMP581 as : while(pressureSensor_1.beginI2C(NEW_i2cAddress) != BMP5_OK)

Thank you for reply

Can I use sparkfun bmp581 library on ESP32? Will it work?

I would expect so. The example compiles without errors for an ESP32 and I do not see anything fancy in the driver that worries me. BUT I can’t test…as I do not own one :slight_smile:

Thank you very much

Hello, can I use TCA9548A multiplexer with sparkfun bmp581 library? Is it compatible?

I would expect that. It worked with the BMP390 as long as you take into account the remarks on viewtopic.php?f=105&t=58845&p=238082#p238082