SparkFun DataLogger IoT - 9DoF 2

How do I program the Datalogger if I want to make changes. I want to bring in all 9 sensors plus pressure and built up the

an algorithm and log to SD card. This product will move through a tube and using all 9 sensors plus pressure.

I need an algorithm to determine speed and direction. Understand how to use the magnetometer as a compass and direction and the gyro to show the helix turning effects. Can this be done in Mathworks?

Logging sensors is one thing, but I need to control a linear actuator at the end base-on signal inputs.

I want to use this board as a starter. How do I calibrate pressure sensor?


Connect to it over serial and you can alter the settings like so … e-settings

I would like to hook this up to the Arduino IDE and write some code myself. If I do this, will I erase the bootloader and quiww connections?

Do you have the source code for the 9DOF board?


Do you have the source code for the 9DOF board?

“Documents” section on the project page.