Solved: It’s a switchcraft part but good look finding it.
I got over zealous with my latest design and just dropped a Sparkfun audio header onto my board before bookmarking the part I needed to buy later. Well now time to buy parts, it turns out that this part is a mystical being and doesn’t exist in my travels. The part in question is under SparkFun-Connectors → Audio-Jack → AUDIO-JACKSMD. Can anyone point me towards a footprint compatible part? Dropbox Image attached. (embedded img tag didn’t like the size) … 4%20PM.png
Some attempts to be sherlock homes revealed:
The library points you to this part. This is obviously not the right part.
Google found this: Same problem, no correct resolution.
Digikey has all kinds of offset footprint connectors but nothing that looks like this. Anybody know where this mystical creature lives or am I just going to have to fudge my connector for all my protoboards that are coming in? 
SUGGESTION to the almighty Sparkfun: (Not sure where to post suggestions for the eagle library)
*Rename the Audio-Jack description to more generic or create a 2.5 and 3.5mm category.
*Even though Audio-JackSMD has 2.5mm in the small description. I never saw that. I immediately looked at the package’s physical footprint and below it, it references 3.5mm jack and the common through hole part. I’d suggestion some description changes there as well.
Thanks for any help, cause I’m stumped.
That’s the only one I could find as well. But it’s not in stock. You best bet is to change the part on the PCB and re-manufacture them. But before you order more, check everything 5 times.
Here are some possible vendors…
(BTW, if you’re not familiar, that’s a great site for locating parts.)
That’s the only one I could find as well. But it’s not in stock. You best bet is to change the part on the PCB and re-manufacture them. But before you order more, check everything 5 times.
Yes, I’d really like not to re-manufacture though. I’ll definitely not jump the gun next time.
Switchcraft part maybe??? … ND/1641012 … ies_cd.pdf
You work miracles, sadly 1000 order min quantity. I only want 10-15.
Here are some possible vendors…
(BTW, if you’re not familiar, that’s a great site for locating parts.)
You might be my hero. I’m not familiar with this site but I feel we shall become acquainted. (Out of the links, 1 supplier has them in stock with no min order quantity!!!)
I thank you, everyone!
Note, I did not check the dimensions on that part. It just looked like the right footprint shape. You should check the footprint in the data sheet against the footprint in the library.
That was the first thing I did. It’s almost a perfect fit and close enough for me.