Sparkfun Edge micro_speech / default flash not working

Received a SparkFun Edge board (15170) and breakout board (15096).

Running both command lines tools and Arduino IDE on MacBook Pro.

Edge Board powers up via breakout board, serial port drivers installed and authorized, serial port shows in tty list.

Board LED flashes blue, with one short duration red flash a few seconds after board reset. Otherwise, no response from LEDs regarding any speech recognition. No output on serial port from board via screen or Arduino IDE serial monitor.

Rebuilt micro_speech example from source, signed binary.

All attempts to reflash using command line tools fail with a NACK following apparent transfer of binary data to board. Changing baud rate does not result in success either. Yellow LED on serial breakout board flashes during upload attempts, suggesting data transfer is working. uploader seems to connect successfully to board and extract some metadata which displays on console before binary uploads.

cloned to acquire script.

Can flash code to SparkFun Thing Plus using Arduino IDE (Blink example) and same usb3 port on laptop. Unable to connect to Edge board via Arduino IDE.

Try following the steps here … or-success for the Arduino IDE, being sure to use the NON pre-compiled binaries…any luck?

The tensorflowlite library is no longer in the IDE library manager, and only the precompiled version appears in google searches.

So nope, does not work

The downloaded zip file (from requires a number of source changes, as does the arduino sketch to get a successful compile. I will not be able to test the result for a few days.

SparkFun folks, you might want to spend a few hours cleaning up the instructions and code libraries, cause this process so far with the Edge has had little “Fun” incorporated.

While I am grateful for the opportunity to learn about Arduino IDE and Tensorflow internals, I am giving y’all money so I do not have to re-engineer solution SparkFun-ites