Sparkfun facet connection and radio CHC Dl8 28 w?

Hello. I am interested in matching a 28W CHCnav DL8 radio to a Sparkfun Facet.

Is it possible to modify only the connector? Has anyone tried it with a powerful radio to send corrections to many kilometers?

I thank you and will continue investigating.

That looks like a big radio! Should work fine.

Do you have a full spec sheet on the DL8? They 4 page manual is lacking:

The connector is a LEMO 5 pin so you’d need something like this cable: … 3774104963

The DL8 expects RS232 serial whereas the RTK product line outputs TTL level serial. You’d need something like this: to convert.

Thank you very much . I will investigate and try what you suggest.

Be mindful of licensing. That’s enough power to cause problems for quite a distance.

Thank you, I’ll have it in mind


Regarding SparkFun RS232 Shifter - SMD

Is it just connect ttl from one side and output rs232 from the other? Doesn’t it require extra power to run?

I have read por rahi that they have had some problem to go from ttl to rs 232.

If it’s just connecting it would be fantastic.

Hello people, I reiterate the previous question about SparkFun RS232 Shifter - SMD.

Is it just connect to go from TTL to rs232? or is external voltage needed? I hope not.

I continue with the idea of connecting a powerful radio to Saparkfun Facet.

Thank you

External voltage is required.

The good news is the radio port on the Facet supplies power; it’s sufficient for the 100mW radios Sparkfun sells so it will probably power the RS232 converter.

Thank you very much for the advice, I will report when I have results.

I also want to connect a more powerful radio. like a DL8 but on the other hand, what module could I use to make it compatible with the dl8? It has to be something small that can fit inside the facet box.



You need to convert TTL serial to RS232 serial and create a cable to connect the two devices. BOB-11189 can do the conversion. Just find the correct connector for your radio and wire tha above breakout board between it and the GPS and you should be good.

I repeat the question, I have already resolved the interface change to make the dl8 radio work on my base, but my question is what small RF equipment can I connect to the Rover so that it is compatible with the DL8 radios.

I hope I was clear and apologies for the translation.

Hello @bralfredo.

Could you carry out the connection of the Facet to the dl-8 radio?

I’m also looking for a small radio that communicates with the dl-8 and I haven’t found it.

We talk about anything in private.

Greetings from Uruguay

I have looked at these radios with appreciation.

They only work between them and not with the DL-8 but they greatly improve the signal up to km … atAp9pCGfk

Those radios, if you ask the seller, are sent with ttl emission like the Facet.

You should perhaps talk to CHCNAV directly, they do claim the DL8 is using “Industry Standard UHF Protocols”, supposedly including TT450S, and a transparent mode, and using GMSK and 4FSK modulations.

They might have some counterpart radio receivers to complement the DL-8, or a list of devices they believe are directly compatible.

Perhaps there are some SiLabs or Semtech chips capable of tuning and demodulating these signals. Perhaps check with SDR and radio related forums.

Similar language, and supporting the Trimble TT450S protocol with GMSK … m=referral

Hello, continuing with the idea of connecting the Facet to a more powerful radio modem, I have tried the following.

I’m trying to pass the ttl radio signal from our Facet to rs232 with a rs232-ttl converter and then connect it to the pc with a rs232-usb converter.

I connect everything to the PC and I would like to see some data in u-center through the serial port that was generated, to see if it is working.

It’s possible? Or should I use another program?

Corrections only come out of the Facet radio port if it is in base mode?

How can I know if everything is working before trying to connect a radio modem?

I clarify that I don’t have the radio modem yet.


I was able to wire up a pair of SATEL UHF radio modems with my Base and Rover Facets. These are the type of radios that are supplied with most professional surveyor RTK equipment.

They work very nicely with the Facets. License needed for these radios. Be careful. Also be aware that eBay is flooded with older SATEL radios that don’t meet the (in the USA) FCC’s narrow band requirements that took effect in 2013.

I used the SparkFun MAX3232-based boards to convert the Facet’s radio port TTL to the RS232 the radios require.

I used power from the Facet radio ports to power the MAX3232s.