Sparkfun Facet. Query about data port.

Query about data port.

If the facet is in base mode, is the data emitted by the data port the same as that emitted by the radio port?

That is, RTCM data?

Are the other possible messages enabled in rover mode deactivated and not sent?

Thank you

Usually; it can be set to output many things … enu_ports/ if you’d like to change it up

This section has a bit more detail on how the data is moved … transport/

Thanks for answering. I understand well how the system works. I want to confirm if in Base mode the Radio and Data ports are emitting the same data at the same time. Beyond the speeds at which they are configured. Thanks again.


The radio port is connected to the ZED-F9P UART2; the data port is connected to ZED-F9P UART1 via a multiplexer. So it all depends on how the firmware configures the messages on those UARTs. UART1 carries any messages which are to be logged to SD card, or passed out over WiFi / Bluetooth. UART2 is normally only configured for RTCM to/from (e.g.) a radio link.

Looking at the firmware source code, I think UART2 can only be configured to output RTCM. I do not think it is possible to enable (e.g.) PVT or RAWX on UART2.

I think the answer to your question is: you will see more messages on the data port than the radio port in base mode. But it will depend on which messages you have enabled for logging etc…

I hope this answers your question?

Best wishes,


Thank you for your answers.


UBX support on UART2 was added to ZED-F9P HPG 1.3x releases, based on how it’s plumbed this might add some additional latency, but I don’t think NAV-PVT would be a problem … 047459.pdf