Sparkfun GPS-RTK2 Board, LoRA method for sending RTCM to the rover


I’m planning on buying 2 Sparkfun GPS-RTK2 Board, one of the module will be rover while the other will be used as a base station. For my specific application the wireless link between the rover and base station has to be 2km plus. Therefore, I plan on using the LoRA RF module to sent RTCM message to the rover. So I was wondering if anyone has any guides or codes to make this setup work.

These are primary products I plan on buying for this setup, 2 of each:

Thanks for any response,


Hey Don,

I realize this post is two years old, but did you ever manage to successfully transmit RTCM data via LoRa?

I’m currently working on something similar and starting to look into how to send the RTCM data. As far as I know, it requires packing/unpacking in the base/rover.

Curious to hear how you made out.

