Sparkfun ICM_20948 SPI connection to ESP32 returning wrong ID

Hello, i’m trying to connect the Sparkfun ICM20948 board with a classic ESP32 devboard using SPI. I am using Arduino IDE with the lateste version of the Sparkfun library for the ICM20848 and I am using the latest version of the ESP32 board library by Espressif system.

My issue here is when i’m running the “Example1_Basics” sketch it doesn’t work. The ICM20948 is returning “Wrong ID”

I don’t know what I have done wrong.

On the ESP32, I am using port 23 as MOSI, port 19 as MISO, port 18 as CLK and port 5 as CS. I have also connected the IMU to the GND and 3.3V pins of my ESP32.

Here is the pinout of my ESP32 board :

And here is my code :

 * Example1_Basics.ino
 * ICM 20948 Arduino Library Demo
 * Use the default configuration to stream 9-axis IMU data
 * Owen Lyke @ SparkFun Electronics
 * Original Creation Date: April 17 2019
 * Please see for the license information.
 * Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.
#include "ICM_20948.h" // Click here to get the library: http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_ICM_20948_IMU

#define USE_SPI       // Uncomment this to use SPI

#define SERIAL_PORT Serial

#define SPI_PORT SPI // Your desired SPI port.       Used only when "USE_SPI" is defined
#define CS_PIN 5     // Which pin you connect CS to. Used only when "USE_SPI" is defined

#define WIRE_PORT Wire // Your desired Wire port.      Used when "USE_SPI" is not defined
// The value of the last bit of the I2C address.
// On the SparkFun 9DoF IMU breakout the default is 1, and when the ADR jumper is closed the value becomes 0
#define AD0_VAL 1

#ifdef USE_SPI
ICM_20948_SPI myICM; // If using SPI create an ICM_20948_SPI object
ICM_20948_I2C myICM; // Otherwise create an ICM_20948_I2C object

void setup()

  while (!SERIAL_PORT)

#ifdef USE_SPI

  //myICM.enableDebugging(); // Uncomment this line to enable helpful debug messages on Serial

  bool initialized = false;
  while (!initialized)

#ifdef USE_SPI
    myICM.begin(CS_PIN, SPI_PORT);
    myICM.begin(WIRE_PORT, AD0_VAL);

    SERIAL_PORT.print(F("Initialization of the sensor returned: "));
    if (myICM.status != ICM_20948_Stat_Ok)
      SERIAL_PORT.println("Trying again...");
      initialized = true;

void loop()

  if (myICM.dataReady())
    myICM.getAGMT();         // The values are only updated when you call 'getAGMT'
                             //    printRawAGMT( myICM.agmt );     // Uncomment this to see the raw values, taken directly from the agmt structure
    printScaledAGMT(&myICM); // This function takes into account the scale settings from when the measurement was made to calculate the values with units
    SERIAL_PORT.println("Waiting for data");

// Below here are some helper functions to print the data nicely!

void printPaddedInt16b(int16_t val)
  if (val > 0)
    SERIAL_PORT.print(" ");
    if (val < 10000)
    if (val < 1000)
    if (val < 100)
    if (val < 10)
    if (abs(val) < 10000)
    if (abs(val) < 1000)
    if (abs(val) < 100)
    if (abs(val) < 10)

void printRawAGMT(ICM_20948_AGMT_t agmt)
  SERIAL_PORT.print("RAW. Acc [ ");
  SERIAL_PORT.print(", ");
  SERIAL_PORT.print(", ");
  SERIAL_PORT.print(" ], Gyr [ ");
  SERIAL_PORT.print(", ");
  SERIAL_PORT.print(", ");
  SERIAL_PORT.print(" ], Mag [ ");
  SERIAL_PORT.print(", ");
  SERIAL_PORT.print(", ");
  SERIAL_PORT.print(" ], Tmp [ ");
  SERIAL_PORT.print(" ]");

void printFormattedFloat(float val, uint8_t leading, uint8_t decimals)
  float aval = abs(val);
  if (val < 0)
    SERIAL_PORT.print(" ");
  for (uint8_t indi = 0; indi < leading; indi++)
    uint32_t tenpow = 0;
    if (indi < (leading - 1))
      tenpow = 1;
    for (uint8_t c = 0; c < (leading - 1 - indi); c++)
      tenpow *= 10;
    if (aval < tenpow)
  if (val < 0)
    SERIAL_PORT.print(-val, decimals);
    SERIAL_PORT.print(val, decimals);

#ifdef USE_SPI
void printScaledAGMT(ICM_20948_SPI *sensor)
void printScaledAGMT(ICM_20948_I2C *sensor)
  SERIAL_PORT.print("Scaled. Acc (mg) [ ");
  printFormattedFloat(sensor->accX(), 5, 2);
  SERIAL_PORT.print(", ");
  printFormattedFloat(sensor->accY(), 5, 2);
  SERIAL_PORT.print(", ");
  printFormattedFloat(sensor->accZ(), 5, 2);
  SERIAL_PORT.print(" ], Gyr (DPS) [ ");
  printFormattedFloat(sensor->gyrX(), 5, 2);
  SERIAL_PORT.print(", ");
  printFormattedFloat(sensor->gyrY(), 5, 2);
  SERIAL_PORT.print(", ");
  printFormattedFloat(sensor->gyrZ(), 5, 2);
  SERIAL_PORT.print(" ], Mag (uT) [ ");
  printFormattedFloat(sensor->magX(), 5, 2);
  SERIAL_PORT.print(", ");
  printFormattedFloat(sensor->magY(), 5, 2);
  SERIAL_PORT.print(", ");
  printFormattedFloat(sensor->magZ(), 5, 2);
  SERIAL_PORT.print(" ], Tmp (C) [ ");
  printFormattedFloat(sensor->temp(), 5, 2);
  SERIAL_PORT.print(" ]");

I’ve just tried with an Arduino Mega 2560 and i’m getting the same response, the problem might come from the ICM 20948 itself …

Has anyone had this problem before ?

Does commenting out:

#define WIRE_PORT Wire

fix the error?

Unfortunately no, I’m still getting no response from the ICM 20948

I’ve just tried I2C and it doesn’t work either, I get this message :

So I’ve tried I2C and SPI with my ESP32 and I’m getting no response and I’ve also tried with an Arduino Mega 2560 and I am also getting no response. I have also tried to redefine the SPI pins or the I2C pins on my ESP32 and to change the AD0 value but it doesn’t work either …

At this point I don’t know what to try.

With I2C, it is always a good idea to try the I2C address scanner program, to verify that communications are working.

With I2C, it is always a good idea to try the I2C address scanner program, to verify that communications are working.

Well I’ve just tried with my Mega 2560 board, I have connected the pin 21 (SCL) to the pin CL and the pin 20 (SDA) to the pin DA from the Mega to the ICM 20948, the ICM is also connected to the GND and 3.3V of the Mega.

Unfortunately, it returns “No I2C devices found” …

Do you have the required pullup resistors on I2C lines SDA and SCL? There is no standard regarding where those are placed, (or even if) and you may have to add them (typically 2.2K to 4.7K).

It looks like [SEN-15335 has the pullups installed. If it is indeed a genuine sparkfun board and the I2C scanner app isn’t detecting it, you might have a bum board. :-(](

Yes, I am using the SparkFun 9DoF IMU Breakout - ICM-20948 (SEN-15335) that has the pullups already on the board. I haven’t touch the jumper, so I guess I have a bum board …

Head over to (if purchased form us, contact vendor if purchased elsewhere) and we’ll get ya squared away