[SparkFun IoT Brushless Motor Driver] Noisy data from TMAG5273 encoder/sensor

Hello, I’ve been trying to get some angle data from the TMAG5273 sensor on the IOT motor driver board.

Im getting angle data but its very noisy and seems to be in the need of some filtering, I was hoping that i could use the data from this sensor as the input for a closed loop position control of the bldc gimbal motor on the same board but this does not seem to work well with the data coming from the sensor.

Im communicating with it using a GenericSensor object from simpleFOC library and looking at the raw signal data using teleplot on VSCode using the code below. It’s not really cleaned up or anything as im just trying to get a value as a start.

On the image im slowly rotating the motor on said board, the overall trend is what you would expect, but i was hoping that the signal would be cleaner and without the “going back to 0 noise”. On this particular capture the motor is actually plugged out to remove any noise coming from the bldc motor itself.

Is there any recommended code or a “board test” project that i could try? Or is this what you can expect from this sensor?

Best regards, Niklas

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>                              // Used to establish serial communication on the I2C bus
#include "SparkFun_TMAG5273_Arduino_Library.h" // Used to send and recieve specific information from our sensor

    IoT Motor Driver Example

    Written By:
        Madison Chodikov
        Eric Orosel
    Company: SparkFun Electronics
    Date: September 1 2023

    This sketch is a stripped down version of the firmware that is preprogrammed
    on the IoT Motor Driver. It is based on the open loop, velocity motor control
    example from the SimpleFOC Arduino library.

    This sketch will spin the motor based on the button inputs:
        - Button 13: Starts/Stops the motor rotation
        - Button 14: When spinning, switches the direction of rotation

        IoT Brushless Motor Driver: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/22132


    SparkFun code, firmware, and software is released under the MIT
    License (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).

    Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.

#include <Wire.h>
#include <SimpleFOC.h> //http://librarymanager/All#Simple%20FOC

#define auxBtn2 13
#define auxBtn1 14

// driver
#define uh16 16
#define ul17 17
#define vh18 18
#define wh19 19
#define vl23 23
#define wl33 33
#define curSense 32

bool state = true;

// motor driver
BLDCMotor motor = BLDCMotor(1);
BLDCDriver6PWM driver = BLDCDriver6PWM(uh16, ul17, vh18, vl23, wh19, wl33, curSense);
float target_velocity = 0.0;
Commander command = Commander(Serial);
void doTarget(char *cmd) { command.scalar(&target_velocity, cmd); }
void doLimit(char *cmd) { command.scalar(&motor.voltage_limit, cmd); }

// Hall encoder
// Initialize hall-effect sensor
TMAG5273 sensor;
// I2C default address
uint8_t i2cAddress = TMAG5273_I2C_ADDRESS_INITIAL;

// Set constants for setting up device
uint8_t conversionAverage = TMAG5273_X16_CONVERSION;
uint8_t magneticChannel = TMAG5273_X_Y_ENABLE;
uint8_t angleCalculation = TMAG5273_XY_ANGLE_CALCULATION;

// simple FOC TEST mag_sensor
float readMySensor()
  // read my sensor
  // return the angle value in radians in between 0 and 2PI
  volatile float reading = sensor.getAngleResult();
  return reading;

void initMySensor()
  Wire.begin(21, 22);
  if (sensor.begin(i2cAddress, Wire) == true)
    // {
    sensor.begin(i2cAddress, Wire);
    // Choose new angle to calculate from
    // Can calculate angles between XYX, YXY, YZY, and XZX

    // Enable the angle calculation register
    // Can choose between XY, YZ, or XZ priority
    Serial.println("could not init mag sensor...");
    while (true)

GenericSensor mySensor(readMySensor, initMySensor);

//////////////////////motor demo stuff///////////////////////////
struct Button
  const uint8_t PIN;
  uint32_t numberKeyPresses;
  bool pressed;
Button aux1 = {auxBtn1, 0, false};
Button aux2 = {auxBtn2, 0, false};

void IRAM_ATTR isr1()
  aux1.pressed = true;
  target_velocity = target_velocity * (-1);
  Serial.println("Changing directions.. ");

void IRAM_ATTR isr2()
  aux2.pressed = true;

  if ((aux2.numberKeyPresses % 2) == 0)
    target_velocity = 0;
    Serial.println("Stopping motor.. ");
    target_velocity = 2;
    Serial.println("Starting motor.. ");

void setup()
  Serial.printf("started demo...\n");


  // // If the TMAG5273begin is successful (1), then start example
  // if (sensor.begin(i2cAddress, Wire) == true)
  // {
  //   Serial.println("Begin");
  //   // Set the device at 32x average mode
  //   sensor.setConvAvg(conversionAverage);

  //   // Choose new angle to calculate from
  //   // Can calculate angles between XYX, YXY, YZY, and XZX
  //   sensor.setMagneticChannel(magneticChannel);

  //   // Enable the angle calculation register
  //   // Can choose between XY, YZ, or XZ priority
  //   sensor.setAngleEn(angleCalculation);
  // }
  // else // Otherwise, infinite loop
  // {
  //   Serial.println("Device failed to setup - Freezing code.");
  //   while (1)
  //     ; // Runs forever
  // }
  // motor demo stuff
  driver.voltage_power_supply = 5;
  driver.pwm_frequency = 20000;
  driver.voltage_limit = 5;
  // link the motor to the sensor
  motor.voltage_limit = 5;
  // motor.controller = MotionControlType::velocity_openloop;
  motor.controller = MotionControlType::angle;
  // motor.disable();
  pinMode(aux1.PIN, INPUT_PULLUP);          // Sets pin 14 on the ESP32 as an interrupt
  attachInterrupt(aux1.PIN, isr1, FALLING); // Triggers when aux1 is pulled to GND (button pressed)
  pinMode(aux2.PIN, INPUT_PULLUP);          // Sets pin 13 on the ESP32 as an interrupt
  attachInterrupt(aux2.PIN, isr2, FALLING); // Triggers when aux2 is pulled to GND (button pressed)

  // velocity PID controller parameters
  // default P=0.5 I = 10 D =0
  motor.PID_velocity.P = 0.1;
  motor.PID_velocity.I = 0;
  motor.PID_velocity.D = 0.00;
  // jerk control using voltage voltage ramp
  // default value is 300 volts per sec  ~ 0.3V per millisecond
  motor.PID_velocity.output_ramp = 1000;

  // velocity low pass filtering
  // default 5ms - try different values to see what is the best.
  // the lower the less filtered
  motor.LPF_velocity.Tf = 0.01;

  // angle P controller -  default P=20
  motor.P_angle.P = 10;

  //  maximal velocity of the position control
  // default 20
  motor.velocity_limit = 3;
  // default voltage_power_supply

  // align encoder and start FOC

void loop()
  // user communication
  Serial.printf(">mySensorAngle:%f\n", mySensor.getAngle());
  // Serial.printf(">TargetAngle:%f\n", target_angle);


Image from teleplot:

The basic code, doesn’t utilize the TMAG sensor. It just runs the motor. The factory reset section, has the code that is default on the board: https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_IoT_ … ample-code

  • This is the code that reports the motor position based on the TMAG sensor

They haven’t had a chance to go back and update the IoT code that added after we launched or add in the example code that I got working (which ties in the TMAG sensor into the FOC algorithm) just yet

Digging into your code a bit, printing out the motor position in the middle of the loop may cause a delay in the feedback loop (I’m guessing). I would recommend using separate loops between the ESP32’s two cores (one to run the FOC algorithm; the other to print out the motor position from the TMAG sensor). That way the FOC algorithm doesn’t hang on the serial data being printed.

Secondly, when I got a closed-loop position control example working, I had to use a really small P value (for the PID)


I think the value used was P=0.001

Finally: it looks like the position value is being sent in degrees, the library needs the position in radians