SparkFun LoRa Thing Plus - expLoRaBLE peer to peer example not working.

I have two LoRa Thing Plus exploRaBLE boards, one with the transmitter example program and the other with the receiver program, both programs from the Sparkfun expLoRaBLE thing Plus Guide. Both boards have the recommended Wide Band 4G LTE Internal LoRa Antennas. Neither one appears to successfully complete its radio initialization when monitored with the Arduino serial monitor. Both return the message “[SX1262] Initializing . . . failed, code -2”. According to the RadioLib API reference on GitHub, the code -2 indicates “ERR_CHIP_NOT_FOUND: Radio chip was not found during initialization. This can be caused by specifying wrong chip type in the constructor (i.e. calling SX1272 constructor for SX1278 chip) or by a fault in your wiring (incorrect slave select pin)”.

Both boards work normally with the standard Blink program, so I am confident that the Apollo3 cores have at least basic functionality. The example receive and transmit programs compile and upload, and of course they run the initialization and are able to report the error message to my laptop. I have Sparkfun Apollo3 Boards version 2.1.0 in my Arduino boards manager, and of course I am using LoRa Thing Plus expLoRaBLE as my board selection.

Has anyone else been able to successfully run the peer to peer example software with the LoRa Thing Plus expLoRaBLE?

I think I figured it out, I missed a paragraph in the guide and installed the wrong version of RadioLib. I will download the modified RadioLib and try again.

Works well now with the correct library installed. I took the two boards to my job this morning, had them communicating from one corner of our rail yard to the opposite corner, also between opposite walls inside a large warehouse. :smiley: