LoRa Fuction Board initilization issues

I have had several issues getting the MicroMod LoRa function board to start. I feel like I’m doing something obviously wrong because the example peer-to-peer code provided in the hookup guide (1W LoRa MicroMod Function Board Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn) will not compile on 2 of the 3 processors I’ve tried:

ESP32: Compilation error: ‘PIN_SPI_SS’ was not declared in this scope
SAMD51: Compilation error: ‘PIN_SPI_SS’ was not declared in this scope
Teensy: Example code compiles

After researching the error I tried manually adding the SPI.h library to the sketch with no luck. I then manually defined the PIN_SPI_SS value for the ESP32 and SAMD51, trying both pins 5 and 10. After fixing the compilation error, the serial console throws the same error across all 3 boards:

[SX1278] Initializing … failed, code -2

After this I tried the RadioLib SX127x examples. They examples would compile but I’m still getting a -2 error code.

I even went as far as to try a fresh install of the Arduino IDE just to eliminate any library conflicts, but at this point I’ve exhausted my troubleshooting steps and would appreciate any help.

Edit: I am using the Single function MicroMod Main Board

Yea, that’s noted in our hookup guide…it all depends on which processor you’re using and if those pins are already busy/used, etc

It might be worth trying to start over, using the teensy and 1 board at first

Our P2P example doesn’t have any references to sx1278, so the wrong sketch might be getting loaded…

Test if it compiles/what prints to serial monitor if you just DL/run our bare example and see if the unmodified file behaves differently

Huh, don’t know how I copied SX1278 from the console :slight_smile:

I managed to fix the issue. Turns out it was hardware not software: I re-seated the function board in the M.2 slot and after plugging it back in the transmitter started right up. I applied some lite stress to the board and it remained operational, so I’m calling it good.

Thanks for the quick help!

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