I am trying to use the example MicroOLED_Demo_I2C sketch to get the SparkFun Micro OLED Breakout (Qwiic) display working. I am using a SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM board, connecting the OLED display using a Qwiic connector cable. The display is not turning on and the screen remains black. I have used the ESP32 board for other projects successfully. Could there be something wrong with the OLED display?
Appreciate any help I could get with this.
Hi starter1,
There may be something wrong with your Micro OLED Breakout but before we reach that conclusion I have a few quick questions to help figure out what might be causing the issue. First, have you used the Qwiic connector on your ESP32 Thing Plus with other I2C devices? Similarly, do you happen to have another microcontroller you could test the Micro OLED Breakout with? That would help identify whether the issue is with the breakout, the ESP32 Thing Plus’ Qwiic connector, or possibly the Qwiic cable you are using to connect the two.
If you are not able to test another I2C device or do not have another microcontroller, try running an I2C scan like [this example on the Arduino Playground to check for I2C devices on the bus. If you get a device showing up with the correct address for the Micro OLED (0X3D Default or 0X3C if you have closed the jumper) then that would confirm the ESP32 is seeing the breakout on the bus, but the display is not functioning properly.
If you have already tried with another microcontroller or have verified the Qwiic connector on the ESP32 Thing Plus is working just fine, please reply to this thread and we can proceed from there.](Arduino Playground - I2cScanner)
Thanks for the response. I was able to get some response from the display by using a different library. It does not seem that the Sparkfun code examples available for the display are working for me. Can you please tell me if I need to modify the code in any way? I am using a Qwiic connection. Is that as if it was an I2C connection? Do I need to change any of the pin numbers in the sketch? Would you have some sample code I could try instead? Thanks.
Hi again starter1,
Double check to make sure you are using the latest version of the [Micro OLED Arduino Library. If it is the latest version, all you need to do is declare your SDA and SCL pins in the “Wire.begin();” function in the setup. For the ESP32 Thing Plus, SDA is on 23 and SCL is on 22 so your function should look like this: “Wire.begin(23, 22);”.
I hope this helps you get the Micro OLED working with our Arduino library.](GitHub - sparkfun/SparkFun_Micro_OLED_Arduino_Library: Arduino library for the SparkFun Micro OLED - a breakout board for a monochrome, 0.66", 64x48 OLED display.)