Hi, my name is Rafael Galindo, I’m an archaeologist and I’m trying to integrate the SparkFun MicroMod GNSS Carrier Board (ZED-F9P) with an external imu, I’m new to that kind of stuff.
I would like to know which pins I should use to get the information and how to adjust the message in the NMEA protocol. The idea is to use the gnss micromod as imu slave.
Thank you and I hope I can find help here…

You could use any qwiic IMU https://www.sparkfun.com/search/results?term=qwiic+imu over the i2c ports fairly easily. You’d want to wire it up, and after selecting the correct micromod processor/board, upload one of the IMU examples to the board and get it communicating
Then go back to the GNSS library, and edit the code to integrate the 2, using one to control/use the signals from the other
Hi rrgalindoc,
Similar to what TS-Russell said, I recommend taking a look at the GNSS library (https://github.com/sparkf … o_Library) for examples. The standard way of communicating is over UART or I2C. There are a few examples showing how to adjust settings in the arduino library.
If you’re more of a GUI kind of guy, download the u-blox ucenter application and plug in directly using the USB on the function board. You’ll be able to pick and choose which NMEA messages you want and save it to battery-backed RAM or even to flash.