SparkFun MicroMod Weather Carrier Board help

SparkFun MicroMod Weather Carrier Board


Hello, I bought a SparkFun MicroMod Weather Carrier Board, but I can’t connect it to my Windows PC, it won’t find the communication port (and I tried it on three win 10/11 PCs and one Mac PC) the 3v and 5v lights on the board are on red and on the ESP32 MicroMod they start flashing green-blue. Thanks for the advice and help

Be sure to grab the drivers … rogramming and the board definition (also @ that link, slightly further down) then circle back to the Weather board’s guide after getting it detected in the IDE … e-assembly

Any luck?

Arduino IDE 2.1.0 install the CP2104 USB Driver but it still doesn’t work, (MicroMod ESP32 Processor lot 138508) - and - (MicroMod Weather Carrier Board lot 144787)