SparkFun Pro nRF52840 Mini - Activation of the BLE long range mode

In the Datasheet of the Raytac MDBT50Q module I have seen, that the nRF52840 supports the Bluetooth 5 Long Range (x4). I am working on the Arduino IDE and I’ve looked at many examples of codes and libraries that can be found on this board. But I didn’t see anywhere how to activate this feature. Does anyone know?

Thanks a lot for the help!

Hi MxrcR,

I do not believe Bluetooth 5 Long Range is implemented in the [nRF52 Arduino Core so you will not be able to enable it without adding in your own support for that mode. The [Nordic SDK does appear to have Bluetooth Long Range support so that would be the best option. Just be aware using the SDK is much more advanced than using the Arduino core. We have a short tutorial to get you started using the Pro nRF52840 Mini Dev with the Nordic SDK [here.](](nRF5 SDK -](GitHub - adafruit/Adafruit_nRF52_Arduino: Adafruit code for the Nordic nRF52 BLE SoC on Arduino)