Sparkfun Pro RF - LoRa, 915Mhz I2c not communicating

I purchased two of the Pro RF LoRa radios, point to point radio communication works with no issues. However when I connect a qwiic cable and run it through a logic level shifter (BOB-12009), and then to a Redboard. With the I2C scanner sketch uploaded, I am unable to pick up the RF radio on the i2c bus.

Hi Tac-tech.

The radio on this product isn’t a I2C device so it’s not on the I2C bus to detect. Additionally, unless you’ve written firmware to make the board into a I2C slave, it’s going to be a I2C master and probably won’t show up at all on the I2C bus. The Qwiic connector on the board was intended to be used to connect other Qwiic devices to the Pro RF, not to connect the Pro RF to another Arduino.

Hi TS-Chris,

Thanks for the timely reply! A little while after writing my first post and playing around with it some more I came to the conclusion that the radio just runs coms for anything connected to the qwiic jst. The reason I say that is because I had wrote firmware on the receiver side to give a start command to a motor driver I’m building. I was using a LLC in between the radio and the motor driver, the radio would get a COMMAND_MOTOR_ON from the transmitter but it was lost going to the motor driver, indication of a start bit wasn’t received. When I couldn’t get the radio to act a master to my motor driver that’s when I decided to see if I could pick it up on the I2C bus, because I didn’t read anywhere on the sparkfun website that it was preprogrammed with an address but I wanted to make sure. And of course it’s not going to show up on the scanner unless you program an address into it, that took some time to put together and realize that. But it leads me back to my initial point of it not being able to execute a simple master command to a slave. My motor driver is not put into a library format yet, still working on that. But I think that’s maybe where the problems lies, once I put the motor driver into a library and then include that into the radio firmware, it will confirm the connection during setup () instead of waiting for start command from transmitter. I’m still semi new to all of this, but it’s been an awesome learning experience so far!!