SparkFun Qwiic Dev Board ESP32-C6 Smart Watch Example Issue

Since this is my first post to any forum, please bear with me.

I saw your example of the ESP32-C6 mini board used to make a Smart Watch. Since this was a way cool project that would allow me to demonstrate several capabilities I needed for a home automation project that I’m working on and you guys always have such great documentation, I decided to make the smart watch. (Here’s the link to one of the example pages - … -libraries )

Based on these pages, I ordered all the parts from you (order #10149981), hooked them up when they came in, downloaded your code, and was surprised to get an error message that the BMA400 was not responding. After poking around, I found out that everything in the example web pages specifies a BMI270, but your sketch code and everything after uses a BMA400 (see the picture attached).

While I’m sure I can figure out how to substitute one accelerometer for the other, I’m hoping you can either let me know where to find the BMI270 smart watch sketch or you can send me a BMA400.

Either way, can you please fix your example code web pages to use the same accelerometer in your example sketch that you specify in your parts list? (Better yet, make a smart watch kit with all the parts as an item on your web site!-)

Thank you very much,

Paul K

You are correct! The 270 was from an earlier revision of the guide…it’s meant to use the BMA400 in the current version. We’ll get the docs fixed up ASAP, in the meantime I’ll look up your account and send you a BMA400!

Thank you!