Sparkfun Qwiic Mini TOF Imager-VL53L5CX for Projector Keystone correction and Auto focus

Hi Team,

We are planning to implement keystone correction to our short through projector using VL53L8CX.

From the ST team , we got assistance as "the easy way to do this is buy the sensor and a small MCU from SparkFun.

They have the code. And you can add to it."

  • Which MCU you suggest for this??

  • Do you have driver level support code for this ?? Can you provide the Link for the same.

  • For Initial testing purpose , can we test the keystone correction and autofocus by purchasing, Sparkfun Qwiic Mini TOF Imager-VL53L5CX with suggested MCU??

Thanks and Regards,


Here’s our code library for that sensor … no_Library (note src folder has the source code files)

Our hookup guide … are-hookup has 2 suggested MCUs, either of those in the blue box would be excellent choices

Also grab a qwiic cable and then pick back up @ that link/the guide :slight_smile:

Hi Russell,

Thank you for the Info.

Do you have a Sparkfun board with VL53L8CX ??? and Supported code library for the same?



Hi Russell,

Thank you for the Info.

Do you have a Sparkfun board with VL53L8CX ??? and Supported code library for the same?



Not currently, just the L5

Hi Russell, … no_Library

In this above link , angle calculation for keystone correction files are missing. Example folder does not have keystone correction related example. Where can I find it???

Example folder does not have keystone correction related example. Where can I find it???

I don’t think sparkfun has an example for that. You’re going to need to take the example code they do have and modify it to suit your needs.