SparkFun RTK Express Plus Kit - Australia

Hi guys,

I’m fairly new to all this RTK system, never used it, but I think that would be an amazing solution for the company that I work for. The problem is that I’m not quite sure if a SparkFun RTK Express Plus Kit would suit our needs.

Basically, what I do is profile a groundline (just a simple 2D profile is enough) with horizontal distance and level. The horizontal distance doesn’t need to be extremely precise, 500mm off doesn’t affect it that much, but the level should be as accurate as possible (aiming for those 10mm).

My problem is, I have to go to multiple sites (multiple cities, maybe 400km apart from each other) and profile the groundline on that area, and it is in Australia, I’m not sure if the satellites are precise down here or if that’s not a problem at all. I would say that 99.9% of the area has phone reception, and we can use a phone to increase precision.

There is an additional problem, the system will be used by multiple people, including people who are not familiarised with technology, so, if we could, I would like to make it as simple as it can be to set up and use it.

Would it be possible to get the data I need with a SparkFun RTK Express Plus Kit or do I need to get 2 of them and use one as a rover? According to this guide ( … okup-guide), it should be quite straight forward, but I’m still not sure.

Additional considerations: it doesn’t really matter the precision in terms of lat/long, as long as I have precise reads from my position 0,0. All areas should have a quite clear view of the sky, maybe we will have some areas surrounded by trees, but not something to consider. After that, I’ll get that information at the office and use it to produce the groundline using a spreadsheet.

Sorry if it is the silliest question here in the forum.

Thank you.

Hi, did you get answers to these questions?

Hi liaifat85, sorry about the delay, I was on holidays. I did not get an answer. I bought one anyways, I’m still testing but getting a precision far from 14mm. The data I’ve collected so far had 54mm of horizontal precision and 160mm of vertical precision in its best.

I’ve tried a diferent NTRIP caster, but this is the best one so far. I hope I can improve that.